While trying to win a big snow bowling tournament, Monkey discovers that
one of his bowling pins is a penguin! A penguin is perfect for Monkey's
favorite game..... "Monkey See Monkey Do!" With Penguin leading the
way at the beautiful arctic, Monkey and the children learn how to move
their heads, flap their wings, walk and dance just like penguins.Join Monkey for some icy cold fun.
Our world is full of mysterious places that hide their secrets in the dust of civilization there.Ancient
castles, sacral statues or porters, hidden land, and various places
that deserve more attention from those who like adventure.Let's start an adventure of a mysterious place to place.
Antarctica is a very inhospitable place to live.So many changes and phenomena that until now the big secret for most of us.Antarctica
also has many mysteries, from 14 million kilometers of the continent
covered with snow and ice with a thickness between 2000 to 4800 meters,
there is also a dry island total, and is called "dry valley without
snow."Be alive to witness this phenomenon!
Nothing like the cold, cold snows of the Antarctic but for us here in Pontybodkin, Flintshire in 2013 it was truely fantastic.
Here is a little story all about a Penguin, I wrote it a few years ago I do hope you enjoy it.
Percy Penguin's Antarctica Adventure: Chapter One - The Arrival
kept on swimming, how he wished the dolphin hadn't dived under the
water, it was good to be dry even though it was still very cold. The
shark had frightened the dolphin and the whale away and now he and the
whale were just a shadow on the horizon, but the main thing
was the Shark made off after an injured seagull, who luckily was only
nodding off and just took to the air before the shark had him for
breakfast. Percy kept very still until it was well out of his sight and
then spying a squashed pineapple carton floating on the surface and he made for it as quick as he could. Hauling himself up he managed to lie flat down on it, his
head resting near the top end which thank goodness still had the top
on. It made a wonderful raft for a little penguin, whether
it was because he felt safe or whether it was because he was so tired
with all the paddling he didn't know and within seconds our Percy was
fast asleep and riding the waves to who knows where. Time drifted by and so did Percy, several small islands passed him by, he missed them all. It began to snow, not heavy, just enough to cover Percy'swee body. The blanket of snow kept him warm and he slept the whole
night away. When he awoke the sun was shining and he felt so much
better for his sleep. He was trying to remember how and why he was in
the middle of this very cold ocean but then suddenly he realised he had
stopped moving. He looked all around, he was resting against a small island
made of ice but what was on the island amused him greatly. Huddled all
together in the middle was a load of penguins. Not green like him, but
black and white, very ordinary.
He sat up and the huddle of penguins moved towards him, the floating
iceberg tipped forward slightly and they all dashed back again. Percy
couldn't helped it and he began to laugh, he laughed so much the
penguins started to squark, (if that's what penguins do.) There was a right old noise going on, when suddenly one of the smaller penguins shouted; "Hey look mummy, he's a penguin!" Now
everbody stopped squarking and only Percy was left laughing. He stopped
abruptly when he noticed all the penguins staring at him, then another
one shouted; "look he's got orange feet!" A few of the younger ones giggled then another one shouted. "Oh my goodness look, he has a pocket in the front of his tummy, and he has a "P" on it, look guys, look!" They
all strained forward to see Percy's patchy stomach. Percy reached
forwards with his flippers and covered his pouch. Then it started, the
laughing again. At first just a little snigger, then a really loud
laugh. Poor Percy he had only been there five minutes and already
everyone was laughing at him. "What the P for Penguin, don't you know what you are then." "No, I reckon it's for Peas, look mummy he has a green body!" "Then another started to shriek and laugh. "Ha, ha, ha, ha look at his hair, he's got brown sticky up hair. Look mummy, look he looks so weird!" That
was it, huge amounts of laughter poured out from the tiny ring of ice.
Suddenly there was a huge crack and the ice-ring started to break up,
the weight of them all on one side, the two pieces began to drift apart
and just as suddenly loads of little black and white blobs were bopping
up and down all over the place. Percy
watched the way they were going and steered the carton the other way
towards the main shore line, and what he hoped would be a much nicer
welcome than the ice ring mob . But
it wasn't to be, for no sooner had Percy arrived at the rocks around
the icebergs and snow, than another peel of laughter rang out above
him. Looking up Percy was being pointed at by dozens of penguins, all of them black and white.
Percy scrambled out of the water and onto the shore, he turned his back
on the laughing penguins and walked on until he came to a quiet place
where he could rest and maybe get a few hours sleep before making plans,
he was so very tired after his long journey.
It was very late when Percy woke up and the sun had sunk behind the
mountains of snow. Only the moonlight showed the outlines of the
glaziers, he knew he would have to stay where he was. In the distance he
could hear the
other penguins chattering away. He couldn't hear what they were saying
which was good really because he wouldn't have like it very much. It was
all about Percy and his technicolour attire.
his right he could see a large leopard seal resting on the
glacier ice
in what looked like the Ice-berg Alley of Antarctica. He wondered if
leopard seals fed on penguins in the
morning and
rested in the afternoon. He looked like he had a full belly so Percy
turned in the opposite direction and made his way across the ice.
The next chapter of this story is just a few pages down after a few songs from around Antarctica huge region
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Pictures from faithful Wikipeadia.
King Penguin at Salisbury Plains - - - Penguins on S. Georgia Islands - - - Southern Giant Petrel
S. Georgia Glacier & Penguin Colony - - - Antarctic Pearlwort - - - Wandering Albartross at S. Georgia
This beautiful photos of Seward Port in Alaska were taken by my friend Queenie just today. She sent them from her Mobile phone, I think they are very beautiful, dont you?
Taken by
at Seward Port - Alaska.
The North Pole ~ surrounded by the~ POLAR ICE CAP
Isn't this a brilliant map showing how the NORTH POLE sits at the very top of the world inside the ARCTIC CIRCLE but can you see all the othere circles, THE GREEN TREELINE, The Icecaps of GREENLAND, WOW. PRETTY COOL EH.
Look how big ALASKA is. Did you know at one time Alaska belonged to RUSSIA but they didn't know what to do with it so they sold it to the U.S.A. VERY CHEAPLY.
Gosh you can even see part of my Country , WALES (but only the top bit of Anglesey and Rhyl.)
My goodness I can even see the NORTH WEST PASSAGE. I wonder if you know the story of how that was opened many years ago by a lot of very brave men..... Maybe I shall telll you about it later on.
Save this on Delicious
Here is Queen Pepper from over at Seligor's Castle who thought you might like to make some of these yummy Cornflake Macaroons to take on your travels. so easy to make and you'll love them. xxx
18 Min
33 Min
2 egg whites
200 g white sugar (can use low sugar)
95 g flaked coconut, (unsweetened)
55 g cornflakes cereal, crushed
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets.
In a large glass or metal bowl, whip egg whites to stiff peaks. Stir in
white sugar. Fold in coconut and cornflakes. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto
the prepared cookie sheets.
Bake for 18 minutes in the preheated oven, or until coconut is golden.
Cathy Cook does most of the cooking for the palace and all of King Pepper's crazy ideas.
little cakes can be a little sweet, so if you don't want the children
to have to much sugar, use a unsweetened coconut, this will reduce the
calories as will the sugar light.
In case you don’t know Baked Alaska is ice cream covered in meringue
which is baked in the oven. The outside of the meringue goes brown and
is warm, while the ice cream remains frozen.
Seperate the eggs carefully.
Don't let any yolk or shell go into the bowl.
The small pockets of air in the meringue act as insulation to
prevent the heat penetrating through to the ice cream. It is a great way
to demonstrate this science to children!! It is very delicious,
impressive and surprisingly light (but very sweet!). Without fail,
guests love it, even if they have made it themselves before, as it
always seems exciting to take an ice cream dish out of the oven!
The amazing thing is that it is really easy to do. The worst that can
happen (as happened once) is that it all collapses. Even so – it still
tastes nice! I hadn’t made it
for ages, and just recently decided to try
it again.
So here is my Baked Alaska recipe. Sure enough it turned out
as delicious as ever!
Planning Ahead
You need to plan ahead. You can shape and freeze the ice cream at
least two hours before you need it. You can also separate the eggs and
put the egg whites in the fridge ready to whisk.
When you separate the eggs, ensure there is no grease in the bowl, and that there is not even a spec of egg yolk in the white.
I separate eggs by breaking the egg, then passing the yolk from one
side to the other while letting the white fall down into a bowl
below.The yolk is then put in another bowl.
You can get a special egg separator device, which can make the process easier.
Key To Successful Dessert
The key is to get the ice cream as cold as you can – by shaping it
and wrapping it in foil in the freezer – and ensuring that your meringue
is good and stiff and then covers every last millimetre of the ice
cream. Any small gaps, even pin head size, can let heat in.
Getting complete coverage is not difficult to do, as the meringue is
thick. It is most important to check around the bottom of the dessert,
where the meringue meets the sponge, for any sneaky gaps.
The oven needs to be really hot – 200 degrees C and preheated so it
has the minimum time possible in the oven – about 4 to 5 minutes. It then
needs to be served immediately.
Of course, Baked Alaska is a good recipe to use up egg whites if you have used egg yolks in something such as egg custard and Macaroni puddings.
It appears that Baked Alaska, perhaps not surprisingly, originated in 1876 at Delmonico’s Restaurant
in New York to celebrate the acquisition of Alaska. It grew in
popularity in the UK in the 1970s and 1980s and may be regarded as part
of the same ‘retro’ food along with prawn cocktail, steak and chops and
black forest gateau. Is it still served in restaurants?
Some Baked Alaska recipes suggest using up to six egg whites, but I
found that using three whites provides plenty of meringue to cover about
500ml of ice cream. This will serve 4-6 people. I used a medium sponge
base from Sainsburys, but you could use a sponge cake base, using half a
victoria sponge cake or even a chocolate sponge cake.
If you lke this recipe? You may want to subscribe to Penny’s Recipe’s newsletter and get the free Meal Plan – 7 family meals for under £30.
Wrap up warm, gang, because we're off an icy adventure.
Check out these ten brrr-illiant facts about the Arctic!
1. The Arctic is located at the northernmost part of our planet. Scientists usually define the Arctic as the area above the 'Arctic Circle' — an imaginary line that circles around the top of the globe.
2. The Arctic consists of the Arctic Ocean and parts of Canada, Russia, the USA, Greenland, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Iceland.
Because of the Earth’s tilt, for at least one day a year there’s an
entire day of darkness in this freezing region — and also a full day of
sunshine. Imagine that!
4. Temperatures as low as -70°C have been recorded in northern Greenland. Brrrrr!
Despite the freezing-cold temperatures, approximately four million
people call this wintery wonderland home! Amongst these are the
indigenous people of the Arctic, called the 'Inuits'. They’ve found
ingenious ways to survive in one of the harshest environments on our
6. In 1958, a submarine called the USS Nautilus sailed beneath the frozen ice of the Arctic Ocean. This was proof that the enormous ice sheet rests on water and not land.
7. The Arctic is home to lots of wonderful wildlife, including polar bears, Arctic foxes, walruses, seals and whales!
8. One fascinating species found only in the Arctic is the narwhal,
often referred to as the ‘unicorn of the sea’. Why? Well, male narwhals
have a straight tusk projecting from the front of their head that can
grow to over 3m in length!
9. The word 'Arctic' comes from the Greek word for bear, Arktos.
But this isn’t because of the polar bears! It’s believed the name
refers to two constellations that can be seen in the northern sky —
‘Ursa Minor’ (Little Bear) and ‘Ursa Major’ (Great Bear).
The ice of the Arctic contains around ten percent of the world’s fresh
water. This giant, white, frozen reservoir reflects sunlight, helping
keep the region cool. It also plays a super-important role in keeping
our global climate stable.
with thanks to the National Geographic fo Kids.
Percy Penguins Antactica Addventure
Chapter Two - The Mountaineer
away from the Leopard Seal Percy began to cross the ice. He was
frightened to move to far away really, but he needed to get out of the
cold. It wasn't completely dark yet so he took a deep breath and moved
carefully around the side of the nearest glazier. It
was horrible having no-one to cuddle up too, he was on his own and he
didn't want to admit it but he was very frightened. He seemed to
remember once, long ago when he was only young that Michael's Mum had
read him a bedtime story and it was all about penguins and how they had
to be very careful of the leopard seals and killer whales. Percy knew
what a grey seal was but he couldn't ever remember seeing a leopard one
or a killer whale.
bet their black and white though!" he muttered "It seems like all
things black and white are horrid, even the black and white birds at
home in Liverpool, used to steal all the other birds food in the garden, the little ones were terrified of them."
Still babbling to himself Percy walked very carefully around the
next glazier. Every now and then his feet slipped into deep water. He
began to pray that he wouldn't fall into one so deep he couldn't get
out. It was so cold, he tucked his wing tips as far as they could go into his pouch. It didn't help much! However
luck was with our Percy, just round the next mound of ice was a tiny
cave type hole, it was dark inside but no darker than it was when the
moon went behind the clouds. He crept inside and was surprised to feel a
pile of grass like stuff under his feet. He bent down and touched it
gently. It was lovely and warm.
"Very strange, but very nice," he laughed and jumped on top of it.
"Hoi, who do you think your jumping on? Go lie on yourself not me if you don't mind." Poor
Percy froze to the spot. He could just make out that the pile of grassy
stuff was moving and was sort of purple-ish. He peered at the creature
that was emerging out of the shadows. "Okay
what do you want?" She said. "It's took me ages to get that place warm
and now it's going cold again. So come on boyo what do you want?" "I didn't really want anything thankyou, just a place to sleep away from those squarking penguins." "I see you've met the resident neighbours then. Best to keep away from them they are not our sort at all." she replied. "Well
I can see that," Percy said. "I thought I was bad enough being green,
but being purple and a . . . . . . . . " Percy stopped.
"Come on, come on, what am I then? And I'm maroon not purple?" she added. "To tell you the truth I'm not quite sure but it is dark in here, sorry!" Percy stammered. "You penguins, all you know is snow, ice and eating fish. Can't you see that I'm a Panda!" "Oh gosh no, not another black and white thing! Percy sighed.
dafty, do I look black and white? Do you look black and white? I don't
think so mate. And just for the record my name is Precious Pandy. What's
yours?" "Percy, Percy Prenderghast," "Ooooo,
there's posh," Precious said with a big smile. "Come on let's settle
down for the night and we'll decide what we're going to do in the
morning." She
took Percy's over to where she'd been lying. "I suppose you do want to
do something?" she said and pulled him down to the floor of the cave. "We'll make plans together, we should be able to find some way to get off this freezing island." "Island" was the last word Percy heard as he dropped off to sleep, smiling for he already felt better now he had found a friend.
Morning came and Precious had already arisen and was busy making a
map in the loose snow. The "black and whites," as Precious called the
penguins where across the other side of the glazier making an the awful
squarking as usual. "Though
what they have to squark about know one knows." Precious said as she
carried on making her drawing in the snow with a piece of driftwood. "How long have you been here Precious?" "Gosh
about three months I think, I arrived just as the whales set off on
their travels. Any way I've been here long enough to work out where all
the best roads are." "You mean there are ways to get away from here?"
"Well sort of, there are a lot of roads but only a few go anywhere. This one..." Precious
pointed to a long line going north, "this one comes out by one of the
old station sheds where the scientists stayed. It's nice and warm and we
can stay there for a few days. Maybe find something useful to put in
your pouch." She smiled.
Percy put his wings across his stomach automatically. "Don't tell me you're going to start taking the mick out of my pouch." "Heck no, look here!" Percy
started to smile then his smile turned into a grin then his grin became
a laugh and next moment Precious and Percy were rolling all over the
ice laughing their heads off. Precious
had opened a fold and there in her right and left side was an opening .
She pulled out a compass, some paper and a flask, Percy wondered what
else she had hidden in her pouches! "Oh my goodness, where did you get that lot from." Percy stammered. "From the station hut," she frowned. "But I haven't thought why I picked up the flask!" "Oh
I'm sure it will come in useful somewhere on the journey." Percy said
and look down at the map which unfortunately had vanished in there
tumbling. "Oops, map all gone I'm afraid." "Never mind, we don't need it now, if you're ready we shall begin our adventure." "Hm'm
a good idea. Time to start our adventure. I'm finished with black and
whites for good. Let's go, you show the way and I'll follow" he smiled
and stood behind Precious and together they marched away from the little
cave and onwards and upwards towards the north and the scientists hut. Below them the penguins were still squarking. "Obviously no adventure in them." Percy muttered as the snow started to fall gently on the frozen ground.
Chapter Three of Percy's Antarctic Expedition follows in a couple of pages time. xxx
Every question has a funny but logical answer.
Click the answer button to see the answer.
What animal is gray and has a trunk?
What animal eats and drinks with its tail?
Why do mother kangaroos hate rainy days?
How can you tell the difference between a can of chicken soup and a can of tomato soup?
Why is an eye doctor like a teacher?
Why did the cross-eyed teacher lose his job?
Why is mayonnaise never ready?
Do you know the story about the skunk? If a papa bull eats three bales of hay and a baby bull eats one bale, how much hay will a mama bull eat?
What does an envelope say when you lick it?
Why do cows wear bells?
Why shouldn't you believe a person in bed? What is the best way to prevent milk from turning sour? Why does a dog wag his tail?
I am not sure about Robin's
but here are some animals that you might find in Antarctica maybe not today but what about in the time of the DINOSAUR'S.
We all know what Antarctica looks like today from some of the pictures you have seen already , but during the time of the Dinosaur Age, there were no ice caps at the two poles at all.
However, Australia, where a number of Dinosaur fossils have been discovered, Australia was a lot closer to where Antarctica is now, and then the climate was a lot more clement than what it iis today, dinosaurs did exist but they did face many difficult moments during the winter. This was about 100 to 120 million years ago, (phew a long time) It is thought that the dinosaurs that did exist then probably habinated through the colder times, there was no ice at either the North or the South Pole then, which in itself is hard to believe.
The Dinosaurs used to live in what is now called Dinosaur Cove, on the Australian Coast. There was more light throgh the winter and even though plants grew through summer, very, very few grew through the darker winter days.
So what kind of Dinosaur were they. It is not certain but it is believed they were of the family "Leaellynasaura" and the eye and brain shape of this Dinosaur suggests that it had good eyesight. The Artic Dinosaurmay also have hibernated through the winter or maybe migrated South to warmer regions. Do visit this link if you want to know more about the South Pollar Dinosaur, including the find in 2010 of a T- rex
In March 2010 international group of scientists announced a find of the
very first tyrannosaur in Southern hemisphere – this discovery was made
in Dinosaur Cove. Here was found some 30 cm long hip bone, belonging to
an ancestor of Tyrannosaurus rex.
Precious and Percy set off on their way to the outpost and hopefully some thing that will give them a direction home. "That's a thought" said Precious, "Where do you live Percy?" "Liverpool, have you heard of it?" Percy replied. "You
have to be joking my lovely," Precious said laughing . "Then you don't
live that far away from me. Except of course that I live over the
border." "No way, you live in Wales! Percy spluttered. "Now do I sound Welsh, there is more than one border to England, you know."
"Not if you live in Liverpool it isn't, Wales is the closest. Scotland is miles away."
"Diw bach, as I said. Do I sound Welsh?... of course I'm bloomin Welsh, I was being sarcastic." "Oh sorry, truly sorry," Percy said frowning. (In he head he thought that he could have taken on more than he imagined.)
"Hm m tricky one," he muttered under his breath and slipped, landing with a bump on the snow. "What was that you said?" Precious said helping him up. "Nothing special I just said that, that could be a tricky one," he pointed to the mountain of snow ahead of them. "We'll do it, just save your breath for walking, come on?" Percy smiled "Bossy as well" he whispered and tagged on behind Precious.
After what seemed like a hundred hours, it was only about four really,
they saw a grey shape looming up in front of them. They were both very
tired, even Precious had stopped giving orders and it was with great
relief that they found the door unlocked and were soon sitting in the
warm hut.
They found soup and mugs, some dried fish and meat. Plenty of water to make coffee, though there was no sugar or milk. The little holes in the top of the stove, made patterns on the ceiling as the early night pulled in. The
two creatures spent the rest of the evening talking about their
respected homes and how strange it was that they lived so close together
, yet it had taken a voyage across the world almost to bring them
Percy actually belonged to a little boy called Michael. How could he
forget, he had been so excited when Michael told him he was going to
take him with him on a trip to see the whales. It was going to be a
most marvellous adventure. "Well how on earth did you end up in the Antarctic?"
tell me about it. One minute we where watching for whales over the
starboard bow. Suddenly Michael's mother screams "there's one! there's
one!" "Oh goodness me cariad!, what a fright, so what happened next?" "You
may well ask, for I don't think anyone else did. I fell and fell, hit
the water and carried on falling. This is it I thought, gone forever.
The liner was pulling away, I was back up on the surface bobbing away
like Noddy's bell. Then you'll never guess what happened next?" "Gosh
I'm so tired, we seemed to have walked an awful long way today." He lay
down on the pallet and next minute he was being waken up by Precious
asking him "did he want his eggs poached or boiled". "Eggs!
Where on earth did you find eggs, no, no, no, don't answer that. Gosh I
might be eating my own kind." He frowned, " I'll have the same as you,
thanks" he said getting up off the pallet only to find himself shivering
like mad. He grabbed an old fur skin that was hanging behind the little
stove and wrapped it around his body. Then stuffing his hands in his
pouch he sat there hunched up like and old, well I'm not sure really, an
old green penguin covered in scruffy fur I suppose. Precious
bought him his eggs, "no bread," she laughed. "Only a two star
restaurant this my lovely." she laughed again. "Are you feeling warmer?
"I hope so we really can't have you catching a cold, now can we?" She
never seemed lost for things to do, which was good, for Percy truly was
feeling a little under the weather. "I have found a
few old charts and after deciding that things couldn't have changed that
much in the last few years, I think I have planned us a route to this
small span of water." she wiped her nose with the back of her paw.
"Sorry about the dribbles, always get them when it gets cold." she
muttered wiping it again. Percy chuckled but didn't say anything just shook his head and smiled.
He suddenly started to laugh. What did Precious look like, all you
could see was a pair of purple ears and feet the rest was draped in a
bright yellow bit of tarpauline type stuff, that she had somehow cut a
head hole and armholes out, she was wearing it as a poncho. "Oh dear
Precious,, you do look strange." He laughed again. "Huh,"
she tutted. "It's a good job there isn't a mirror here, you green rug
rat, you don't look much like a prince either! Now, come on, so long as
we are warm what the heck. Let's have a root around, I'll do the inside
again, in case I missed anything. You can go outside and see what there
is around the back of the hut."
It still looked extremely cold and by the time he had taken the snow
off the sledge he was already feeling cold. Precious had already decided
it was time to be on their way and there was no point in lighting the
stove and so he went back in jolly quick before the shed became as cold
as the outside. But he was lucky Precious had lit the stove; he went straight to it and warmed his hands. "I
thought we might have a hot breakfast before leaving." Precious said
filling two bowls with what looked just like porridge, and as soon as
Percy took a mouthful, he realised it was porridge. "Where on earth was this," gasped Percy, steam coming from his beak. "I didn't know we had any porridge, nor milk come to that." "Ahh
but you didn't have a good look at the packets of dried food, did you?"
Precious laughed. "You were in to much of a hurry to get in out of the
oncoming blizzard last night, but not Precious, oh no, been marooned
before I 'ave, I'll tell you about it later, if I remember. Now eat your
porridge before it gets cold." She laughed again, then they sat in
silence and ate their porridge, finishing it off with a mug of coffee
and some ships biscuits, something else Precious had found and hidden. Percy gazed out the small window with the piece of sacking hanging half off, half on an watched as the snow began to fall again. "Well
that's it I suppose." He mumbled into the bottom of his coffee mug,
"It's starting to snow again, maybe the blizzard was coming back, do you
think?" He looked across at Precious who had a smile all over her
maroon and white face. "Percy Prenderghast, are you a Penguin or a
seagull? You're not going to tell me you are afraid of a little more
snow, not after what you've been through already!" Percy glanced across the top of the mug straight into her smiling face. "I don't believe it Percy bach." she laughed again. "Ty'd yma cariad, let's get going otherwise we shall still be here this time next year." "Maybe that wouldn't be to bad an idea Precious, after all we have each other and plenty to eat....." "And
what happens when the scientists come back after their winter break?"
Precious muttered as she put out the stove, fixed the sack back over the
little window and began to tidy the mugs and bowls away. "You're a
typical male, always thinking of the now and not what about the future, jowl Percy, come on help me with these and we can be on our way." she laughed again. "Come on, let's get going otherwise we shall still be here this time next year."
"Well at least it had stopped snowing, but it seems to be a lot colder" Percy said pulling the fur skin round his shoulders. "I do hope the scientists won't notice that we have borrowed these skins Precious, it would have been to much trying to survive outside with just our own skins!"
Precious didn't answer straight away, she was gazing towards the horizon and then studying the map that she had fixed to the cart. "I do believe if we make for that tower up yonder, we should be able to see the next cabin and hopefully be able to make some contact to help us get out of here."
"Percy was staring over to the horizon, he couldn't see a tower anywere, in fact he couldn't really see where the snow finished and the horizon started. He looked up at Precious nodding his head, "Yep if you say so, I agree after all you're the explorer I'll go along with whatever you say." He turned back from her and pretended to fasten his pocket tighter to his tummy. The heat from the hot porridge had vanished and his insides were definitely on a go cold stint.
They must have been walking for about two hours when Precious spoke for the first time since leaving the hut behind.
"Are you feeling cold yet Percy?" Precious asked slowing down. "No, No I'm alright so far . Percy fibbed not wanting to show Precious that he was blooming freezing to death. "Oh Okay then ..I was just wondering if you would like a drink of hot chocolate." Percy began to splutter.. "Hm you never mentioned hot chocolate, just was I freezing to death." He frowned "Any way I don't see a coffee bar round, and definitly one that gives away hot chocolate."
"Oh Percy, do you really think I would let us set out on this most dangerous part of our journey without something to drink and keep us warm." she sighed, "We don't stand a chance of reaching the other cabin before tomorrow and we can't walk all night. Unless of course you want to, that is, my lovely.?"
"Percy stopped in his tracks, "For goodness sake woman just pour that chocolate and let's discuss this Dangerous journey before we go any further....
Right" Percy said taking the plastic mug out of Preciouses paw and settling himself down on the stores they had bought from the cabin. "Dangerous, dangerous, just how dangerous, that's my question.... what's your answer?"
Precious pulled her cloak tighter around her fur and sat down next to him. "Oh surely you didn't think that we are the only travellers in this part of the Antarctic. No don't answer that, you can't really have no knowledge of the animal life here?"
Percy, heaved a sigh and buried his head into the steam of the hot chocolate and started to drink it. Gosh this tastes so good , he thought. Why on earth hadn't he thought of something to bring with them instead of relying on Precious all the time....
"I'm sorry Precious" he spoke into the mug. "I guess I haven't really had any need to know about life in Antartica. In fact I din't even know there was such a place, just that I was taken out of my warm room in Liverpool, away from all my friends" he sniffed. "I was stuffed inside a smelly backpack for days and although I felt it was getting cold I didn't realise till I hit the water on that first day , that we we're not where we should have been."
"I take it that means that you have no idea where we are or anything about the Antarctic at all.. hmm except of course that there are penguins and the odd this or that." Precious scratched her head under her cloak. "Then I guess we better travel a little further towards our way out of here and as soon as we strike up camp for the night, we'll discuss the reasons to be careful." she paused, "Okay."
"Okay," Percy answered softly, "but just one thing before we go on, is there any chance of finding somewhere to stop pretty soon?"
"For goodness sake Percy, just shut up and follow me, the sooner we find someplace the better. Now give me your mug and remember to rinse it in the snow, we don't want any followers."
Percy quickly rinsed the mug and covered over the chocolate dregs with fresh snow. "That should do it" he said come on then lets get going. And silently the cat and the penguin began to walk towards the distant shape of the tower resting on the horizon.
Well we've made some lovely cakes and read
another chapter with Precious and Percy, so I think it must be time now
for another little quiz this time about Antarctica. Don't worry it wont be difficult and I'm sure
someone will help you with the answers if you say "please" nicely.
Because there are no land animals living on Antarctica most creatures live in the surrounding Ocean
1. Can you tell me the name of that very stormy Ocean ?
2. Antarctica is a large continent , but can you tell me the largest continent on earth.
Here is a map of the earth to help you.
3. Can you tell me the names of some of the animals and birds that live in these waters
Antarctica :- is the fifth largest among the seven continents. It is actually double the size of the whole of Australia. It is known to be the driest, coldest, and also the windiest continent. It has the highest elevation among all the continents, and is considered to be a complete desert. The temperature here is known to have reached -89 degrees as well. Only cold adapted organisms have the capacity to survive in this continent. Due to the hostile environment and the lack of resources, this continent was largely neglected and isolated. -
See more at: http://www.7continents5oceans.com/#sthash.Ox5SkiVw.dpuf
4. At the last count there were 43 species of Penguins but which penguin is it that is the only warm-blooded animal to remain on the continent during the bitter months. This penguin breeds during the bitter months of winters darkness.
5. The largest flying bird in the world is also visits the area.What is the birds name.?
6. And can you find out the names of other birds and sea creatures that are happy to say in the oceans of such a cold part of the world.
7. Captain Scott - Antarctic explorer. What do his initials R. F. stand for ?
Until the end of the 19th century, only sealers and whalers had set
foot on the desolate southern land we call Antarctica. Until as late as
1820, no one had even seen its mainland. In the 1890s however, explorers
of various countries began to compete for being the first to reach both
the North and the South Poles. In 1901–04 Captain R F Scott
(1868–1912) was the first person to explore Antarctica extensively by
Percy Penguins Antarctic Adventure
Both Precious and Percy found the going very difficult and after Precious, who insisted on telling Percy all about the failed expedtion of Captain Scott and the loss of all his friends, Poor Percy was very much afraid that they would never survive the terrible journey to the Tower that looked as far away now as it did when they left the hut.
What they needed were dogs to pull there sledge. It wasn't easy going up and down all the little hills that seemed to pop up everywhere. Percy was certain that Moles lived underground and it took a long time for Precious to convince him of that as well.
"Precious, do you think we could stop for something to eat and drink , we've been walking so long and my feet are very tired ." Either Precious didn't hear him or she was just ignoring him.
"Please Precious, I don't think I can walk another step". But this time he walked to the sledge and sat on it. It came to an abrupt halt. It is getting dark Precious we really must stop , look around and find somewhere to sleep amongst all this snow."
Precious sighed and let the strap fall to the snow, "I guess your right. It is quite a long time since we had our coffee.
She took the map she had brought with her from the shed and laid it across the tarporline covered sleigh.
"Come on then Percy , jump to it, you get the drinks and I'll get our barings, I'll be glad when the stars come out so I caan tell for definite if we are on the right path".
"Path, Path", Percy spluttered. "Are you really trying to tell me that we have been following a path, or was it a tree lined avene and I blinked each time we passed a tree!
"Ha, ha, ha," Precious sniggered. "Do you really think I don't know which way we are going. I'll have you know when I was at home in Pontybodkin, I was a Patrol Leader in the Guides." "She frowned. "Well I wasn't the actual Guide but I was taken everywhere with my Molly, that was her name" she added nodding her head. "She won all her proficiency badges and of course I watched how she did everything. " She gave a big smile,
"So come on Percy old chap let us get on with it, I'm not absolutely certain but I do believe there just might be a small hut just a few yards left towards that jutty out bit.
Lets just make it to there Percy and then we can settle down for the night".
Percy smiled and picked up the strap and together they made their way towards 'the little jutty out bit' which just happened to be the very hut Precious was talking about. It wasn't anywhere near as big as the one that had left behind this morning, but it did have a heater and it wasn't long before they were tucking into some hot soup and crackers.
And to finish off a little bit of Disney especially for you xxx