The American Continent covers almost 17% of the Earths land mass.
The three oceans that border North America are the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. Other bodies of water, like the Gulf of Mexico, also border the continent.
North America, finds itself nestled among a number of bodies
of waters in addition to oceans, which includes the Hudson Bay, Beaufort
Sea, Gulf of Alaska and the Caribbean Sea.
In addition to
exterior bodies of water, North America contains a number of bodies of
water within its land mass. These include the Great Lakes, the
Mississippi River, Lake Winnipeg, Lake Manitoba and Colorado River.
North America is situated in the northern hemisphere and the western hemisphere. Many countries or nations make up North America;
Totally in North America, there are 23 officially recognized independent states. The largest of them is Canada, followed by also
rather big the United States, these two giants together occupy more than
79% of the whole continent area.
The smallest country in this part of
the world is St. Kitts and Nevis, it is only two small islands in the
Guatemala - El Salvador - Hondura - Costra Rica - Panama - Cuba - Caymen Isles. Jamaica - Netherlands Antilles - Grenada - Trinidad and Tobago - St. Vincent and the Grenadines - Barbados - Martinique - Dominica - Montserrat - Antigua and Barbuda - St. Kitts and Nevis - British Virgin Islands - Puerto Rico - Dominican Republic - Haiti - Bermuda.
North America is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean from the north and by
the Atlantic Ocean from the east, by thePacific Ocean from the west
and south. It has an overland border with South America continent, which
runs along the state boundary between Panama and Colombia.
Among the most visited North American countries the number one is the
USA, where New York City is considered the most attractive landmark for
travellers, further followed by Mexico and Canada.
As a Continent, North America has a wide variety of geographical features
which include, mountain ranges, wide, flat grassy plains, hot dry
deserts, even frozen ice caps in the very North and hot tropical regions
in quiet a few of her independent states
The Niagara Falls.
American Falls
(between Prospect Point and Luna Island) far left
Bridal Veil Falls
(between Luna Island and Goat Island) mid left
Canadian Falls (between Goat Island and Table Rock) right
It is often said that North America is one of the only continents to experiance all of the Earths climate changes, China is another of these when travelling across her huge mass.
Italian explorer Christopher Columbus was the first recognised European to Navigate to North America in 1492, though at the time he thought he had arrived at India, Hence the reasons why the native races who already were living in North America ended up being named Indians. Yet it is far from clear cut whether he was the first and several other theories have been put forward over the years from Vikings to the Chinese Explorers
The Native, indigenous people had lived on this continent for thousand of years along with the Mayan and Aztec, to mention just two, a long time before the Europeans ended up there.
Indigenous peoples are those
groups specially protected in international or national legislation as
having a set of specific rights based on their historical ties to a
particular territory, and their cultural or historical distinctiveness
from other populations.
Their way of living was totally different to the America of today. As the different countries continued to arrive on the shores of the Americas so the Native tribes were slowly inco-operated into the European ways of living including sharing with them the disease and unpleasentries that always took place when one sector of this World takes over another.
North America is usually split into three main sub regions, Canada in the North, The United States in the middle and Mexico in the South merging into Central America.
Many of the Indian Tribes still use their own language and much effort is try to keep their language alive. English is the most used language of the North American people along with Spanish and French.
Indigenous languages of the Americas, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch.
Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that
straddle the international border between Canada and the United States;
more specifically, between the province of Ontario and the state of New
As the America's come in two seperate land area's (North America and South America) joined in the middle by Central America. I think it is best to look at them individually with the hope that I can find really interesting topics for each of them. So here we are in .......
Please enjoy these little stories, dances and songs
whilst I get on with adding lots of wonderful things to your page
Native America was around many, many years befor the America we know of today.
The country was still as big as it is today but the population was much
smaller. I'm sure many of you know about and are even descended from
the First Americans and who they are.
Here is a beautiful picture with a lovely verse below. enjoy xxx
Thrust before the Moon (Buffalo Song)
There is a man there, somewhere that man is right there he is laying down, he is stretched down there he is wrapped in skins, he is wrapped in songs he works with feathers, he carries songs that have been singing dropped before the moon can rise, dropped where the corn is growing he is wrapped in skins he is wrapped in songs he lives deep under the drum the drumming before the moon can rise right there where he is
If all the beasts were gone, we would die from a great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts, happens to us all. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the children of the earth
An old Ghost story from Alabama
Now, old Sam Gibb, he didn’t believe in ghosts, not one little bit.
Everyone in town knew the old log cabin back in the woods was haunted, but Sam Gibb just laughed whenever folks talked about it. Finally, the blacksmith dared Sam Gibb to spend the night in the haunted log cabin and if he stayed there until dawn, the blacksmith would buy him a whole cartload of water-melons. Sam was delighted, if he had one passion in life, it was the water-melon. It was Sam’s absolute favourite fruit, so of course he accepted the dare at once, packed some matches and his pipe, and went right over to the log cabin to spend the night in the old cabin. He set about lighting a fire, then he lit his pipe and
settled down in a rickety old arm-chair to read his newspaper.
He hadn’t been reading for too long when he heard a creaking sound.
Sam looked around until his eyes settle on the chair next to him. On it sat a gnarled
little creature with glowing red eyes, it had a long, forked tail, two horns on its head, claws at the ends of its hands, and sharp teeth that poked right through its large lips.
Then it spoke; "There ain’t nobody here tonight except you and me," it said to old Sam Gibb. It had a voice like the hiss of flames. Poor Sam, his heart almost stopped with fright. He leapt to his feet, knocking the chair over and yelled. "Aye and there ain’t going to be nobody here but you in a minute," As he made straight for the nearest exit, which just happened to be the window. He was off down that lane lickety-split. Why, he ran so fast he overtook two rabbits being chased by a coyote. But then he heard the pounding of little hooves and when he looked round the gnarled creature with the red eyes was quickly catching up with him. "Phew you’re making pretty good speed for an old man," said the creature to old Sam Gibb.
"Oh, I can run much faster than this," Sam Gibb told it, and he took offlike a bolt of lightning, leaving the gnarled creature in the dust. The Blacksmith came flying out of the forgeto see what was wrong, all he caught was the words.
"Never mind about them water-melons, you can keep them" as Sam Gibb shouted without breaking his stride.
Ha ha ha, poor old Sam Gibb he ran all the way home and hid under his bed for the rest ofthe night, and part of the next day.And you might say that nobody heard him talk about ghosts and spooksever again in fact, he became a firm believer in ghosts and spooks, andhe refused to go anywhere near the old cabin in the woods, not for ahundred cart-loads of water-melons.
Dr. Dodiddily and the deedot's,
are tucked away every halloween, well that is until about midnight when she has to find her cat Tuppence, and her broomstick
The Dee Dot's Travel to Mexico for our next story
The Smiling Rabbit
An old man and his wife lived in a little house made of straw. They were very poor and all they owned were a rabbit and a young jaguar. When the old couple used up their last ear of corn, they decided to eat the rabbit and started heating water to cook him. When he saw that, the jaguar said to the rabbit: Rabbit "You won't get out of this one. The old people are going to eat you and they will give me a piece." "No, my jaguar friend," said the rabbit "the old folk are heating water to make hot chocolate for breakfast."
"That's not true, they are heating the water to cook you."
The Rabbit looked at him and smiled. "Not at all and what is more, I can prove it. Get into my cage and you'll see; they'll give you the first chocolate.
The trusting jaguar went into the cage, the rabbit closed it and ran off.
A long time went by and the jaguar tired of waiting for the old people to bring him his chocolate, then he realized that the rabbit had tricked him so he broke the cage and went after him.
After walking and walking, he found the rabbit in a cave of the kind they call sahkaberas (these are caves where people mine the white earth). He was very angry and he showed his teeth as he said:
"I caught you, rabbit! I'm going to eat you."The rabbit answered him straight away.
"What's the matter, my friend, what are you talking about? I don't think I know you. Now I have lived here for a long time and as you can see I am very busy? Can't you see my house is falling down."
The jaguar frowned, "Oh so you are not the rabbit who tricked me?"
"Of course not! But please help me. Lean against this wall while I go get a log to hold it up and keep it from falling. whatever you do don't let go or it might crush you.
So the jaguar stood on his hind legs and held up the wall.
A long time went by and the jaguar was tired and then once more he realized that he had been tricked again. Once more he took off after the deceitful rabbit, even angrier than the time before.
This time he found him hanging from an elastic vine that made him go up and down. The rabbit was so happy thinking of how he had fooled the jaguar that he didn't notice when the jaguar took a great leap, pulled on the vine with all his strength and then suddenly let go. The rabbit went up and up through the air holding his belly and laughing, and finally he reached the moon.
That is why on nights when the moon is full and red you can still see the rabbit bending over holding his stomach with laughter.
The Korean's also have a story of how the rabbit landed on the moon.
A group of Mayan Indians
CONAFE, Así cuentan y juegan en el Mayab, Mexico, 1993.
This story is from the state of Yucatán, one of the places inhabited by the Mayan Indians.
To this day, Mexican children see a rabbit in the moon, though children of other cultures believe there is a man there, or that the moon is made of cheese.
And talking of South Korea, the picture below was taken whilst we were on holiday in Seoul, we were there in late October last year 2014. The province is Goyang and the Lake is beautiful with it's water shoots and always a path made so you can circle the whole of the park and gardens.
And why am I showing you a picture of South Korea, because that is where were going right now so you can enjoy the playlist of South Korean music by the super groups that you all enjoyed so much on their visits to the United States over the last few years.
Lets hope this one doesn't get lost as quick as the last one. Very strange but it hasn't happened with any other video list, do copy the embed code but please don't move the Playlist.
FUN QUIZ from Dadazi
Every question has a funny but logical answer.
Click the answer button to see the answer.
What animal is gray and has a trunk?
What animal eats and drinks with its tail?
Why do mother kangaroos hate rainy days?
How can you tell the difference between a can of chicken soup and a can of tomato soup?
Why is an eye doctor like a teacher?
Why did the cross-eyed teacher lose his job?
Why is mayonnaise never ready?
Do you know the story about the skunk? If a papa bull eats three bales of hay and a baby bull eats one bale, how much hay will a mama bull eat?
What does an envelope say when you lick it?
Why do cows wear bells?
Why shouldn't you believe a person in bed? What is the best way to prevent milk from turning sour? Why does a dog wag his tail?
places to visit in North America; Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Chichen
Itza, Teotihuacan, Rocky Mountains, Mount Rushmore, the Statue of
Liberty and Yellowstone National Park
It was in the late 19th century that elevated railways dominated the transport scene in New York City. The first Underground subway system became operational in New York City in 1904. It is one of the busiest underground railway networks in the world today.
Just look what you can do with a Melon,
America Folk Songs and Muffin Songs
Now we are off on a trip to Yellowstone National Park, now I don't think they have a railway here so here is a special one just for you.
All aboard the train and away we go,
Fun for all the children of the world with Dr. Dodiddily and the Dee Dot's
A little bit about myself and my Sisters
Kath, (far left) Sylvia, blonde (middle) Dorothy (me far right) Amy (Toni, in front)
Dr. Dodiddily is one of four sisters. First there is my sister Sylvia, she is the eldest and the smallest. Then there is my sister Toni(Amy)
she is two years younger than Sylvia, Toni lives in Kent. The next
one born in 1944 was Dorothy, yes my lovelies this is my real name. I am
three years younger than Toni. One more to come and that is my sister
Kathleen, she is the baby of the family and she is four years younger
then myself.
We couldn never hand our cloths down to each other, we were all very
different sizes, and anyone coming after me wouldn't have been able to
wear anything I was such a tom-boy and thing were worn out long
before Kath could have them.
This is a very old picture of the four of us taken in Coed Poeth in North
Wales, way back in 1952/3. Gosh I am an Ancient Dragon, aren't I ! xxx.
is myself and my sisters in 1979 just 26 years later, we are with our
mother who like myself was called Dorothy. We are from left to right
Sylvia, Toni, My Mum, Dorothy (me) Kathleen.
Jayden, Noah Rhys, Brodie Leigh with Diddily in the background you can just see my grey hair.
Summer 2014 in the back garden at my home in Pontybodkin another 35 years later.