Arc and Antarc.
Central America
Eire - Ulster
Kids Fun Quiz.
Middle East
North Africa
North America
South Korea
South America
South Africa
The Spice Isles
World of Words







  And where are we?, why in Germany of course.


There are many different ways of saying "Hello" and hopefully in amongst these video's you will find one in your own language. Take time out to look and listen and see how many of them you can remember. There are countries, flags,  counting and words all included on one video or another. My little Country is called Wales and it has a very special flag, which depicts the Welsh Dragon in the Countries of the World, Europe. Sadly the flag of Palestine has been left out of the Asian map which is very sad as Palestine is a Country in it's own rights even though the land  what they have shown as Israel, is not a country but a state as in the USA.



It is my birthday on the 1st of September and as I'm sure you all know what my passions are; my wonderful husband Peter, then books and music, not forgetting my huge family and all the pets.
 So you can imagine my delight when I open the wrapping paper and there is a scruffy board book called "Struwwelpeter" oh my goodness, I was so happy. 
The book was written first in 1845 and my copy was reprinted in the early 1900's having no date or Author just Blackie who were the publishers. 
I hope to put all the pictures and stories between this web site and Diddilydeedot's Dreamland. 
They are not the nicest of stories I must admit, but if your good and kind then I'm sure you will be alright.

The gentleman who wrote the book is, well, I shall let Wiki tell you;

Der Struwwelpeter (1845) is a popular German children's book by Heinrich Hoffmann. It comprises ten illustrated and rhymed stories, mostly about children. Each has a clear moral that demonstrates the disastrous consequences of misbehavior in an exaggerated way. The title of the first story provides the title of the whole book. Literally translated, Struwwel-Peter means Shaggy-Peter.

Hoffmann, a Frankfurt psychiatrist, wanted to buy a picture book for his son for Christmas in 1844. Not impressed by what the stores had to offer, he instead bought a notebook and wrote his own stories and pictures. Hoffmann was persuaded by friends to publish the book anonymously as Lustige Geschichten und drollige Bilder mit 15 schön kolorierten Tafeln für Kinder von 3-6 Jahren


Shock-headed Peter

Just look at him! there he stands,
With his nasty hair and hands.
See! his nails are never cut;
They are grimed as black as soot;
And the sloven, I declare,
Never once has combed his hair;
Anything to me is sweeter
Than to see Shock-headed Peter.

(Funny Stories and Whimsical Pictures with 15 Beautifully Coloured Panels for Children Aged 3 to 6) in 1845. 

It was not until the third edition in 1858 that the book was published under the title Struwwelpeter. 

The book became very popular among children throughout Europe, and, writes author and researcher Penni Cotton, the pictures and characters showed a great deal of originality and directness.

Struwwelpeter has been translated into several languages. The first English translation appeared in 1848. Mark Twain's English translation of the book is called "Slovenly Peter."

The book cover is the same figure as the above but a bit scruffy and he isn't standing on the podeum, I won't put it on screen, I don't think it would have bothered our Struwwelpeter very much, just look at those finger nails. (I hope he never tried to pick his nose! Smile

In 2006, Fantagraphics Books published the first completely digital version of Struwwelpeter, reinterpreted and illustrated by Bob Staake.

Toby Bucket is hiding, I am looking for him everywhere. Toby is in the rain with his umbrella

Maybe he is here in Germany, Shush don't frighten him.

Wow, I have found him look. He's singing in the rain again.


Toby's Bucket

Dr. DoDiddily has built him and Candy a brand new house to live in.

Do go and see how they are settling in. You will find him all over this World, and also in Seligor's Castle.


Toby Bucket and his Dog

You can also find them in Diddily Dee Dot's  Dreamland.

And I do believe Tilly and Sweetie Pie are there as well!

Say hello Tilly, say hello Sweetie Pie.

This is the story in German but as many people also like to read all the stories from other lands , I am going to put it here in full in the English Language.

Vier Freunde

the four musicians

Ein Esel arbeitet für einen Müller. Er ist sehr alt. Jeden Tag muss er Säcke mit Mehl schleppen. Die Säcke sind sehr schwer. Der Esel arbeitet sehr langsam.

Eines Tages findet der Müller, dass der Esel zu alt ist, um zu arbeiten. Er beschließt, den Esel einem Freund zu geben.

Aber der Esel will keine neue Arbeit. Er will Musiker sein. Also läuft er weg, in Richtung einer Stadt. Die Stadt heißt Bremen.

Auf dem Weg nach Bremen trifft der Esel einen Hund. Der Hund liegt auf dem Boden. Er sieht nicht sehr glücklich aus.

"Was ist los?" fragt der Esel.

"Ich bin alt. Ich kann nicht mehr jagen. Mein Besitzer will mich erschießen!"

"Komm mit mir nach Bremen. Du kannst Musiker werden", sagt der Esel. Ich spiele die Laute und du das Schlagzeug."

"Tolle Idee!" sagt der Hund.

Die beiden neuen Freunde laufen nach Bremen. Bald treffen sie eine Katze. Die Katze sieht sehr traurig aus.

"Warum bist Du so traurig, Katze?" fragt der Esel.

"Ich bin alt. Ich kann keine Mäuse mehr jagen", antwortet die Katze. "Ich weiß nicht, was ich machen soll!"

"Komm mit uns nach Bremen", sagt der Esel. "Du kannst Musikerin werden!"

"Super," sagt die Katze.

Bald treffen sie einen Hahn. Er sitzt auf einem Tor. Der Hahn weint.

"Was ist los?" fragt der Esel.

"Der Bauer will mich töten! Er will meinen Kopf abschlagen und mich zum Abendbrot essen!" sagte der Hahn.

"Keine Sorge!" sagt der Esel. "Komm mit uns nach Bremen. Du hast eine schöne Stimme. Lass uns zusammen Musik machen. Es wird sich toll anhören."

A famous German fairy tale about four musical animals

The Four Musicians

the four musicians

One day a donkey was walking along the fence by the barn, singing softly to himself. He stopped when he heard his owner talking with another farmer. The donkey leaned in closer so he could better hear what the two were discussing.

"I know what you mean," the one farmer said. "Sometimes it's easier to just get a younger one."

The donkey wondered what they could be talking about.

His owner continued, "I just can't find many reasons to keep the tired bag of bones around much longer. He is very old and cannot pull the plow anymore. It's time to put that old donkey out to pasture."

The donkey couldn't believe his ears! They were talking about him! He was very hurt to hear these words. "Hee-haw!" said the donkey. "I won't be sent out to pasture. I'll go to the town of Bremen and become a musician."

The donkey had just started on his way when he saw a sad dog sitting by the road. The donkey asked what was bothering the dog. "My owner says I am too old to hunt," howled the dog. "He wants to get a younger dog who keeps quiet." cat donkey

"I have a thought that may interest you. Why don't you come with me to Bremen, and we will work as musicians," said the donkey. "We'll be quite a team."

"Woof!" said the dog. "I really like that idea!" 

The two new pals had not gone far before they crossed paths with a gloomy cat. They asked what was wrong.

"My owner says I am too old to catch mice," he cried. "She is going to get a younger cat."

They invited the cat to come to Bremen to sing with them. "Mee-ow!" answered the cat, and the three were on their way.

The dog, cat, and donkey were walking along when suddenly a very upset rooster flew right into the middle of the road. "Cock-a-doodle-day!" the rooster squawked.

"What a strong voice you have!" the dog said.

the four musicians

"My owners say there is no point in having a strong voice if you don't use it every day," crowed the rooster. "I cannot get up early enough to wake up the workers anymore. My owners plan to serve me for Sunday dinner!"

"Join us on our trip," said the dog. "We are going to work as musicians. We could really use your strong voice to make our band complete."

"Cock-a-doodle-day!" said the rooster. "Let's be on our way!" The four new friends practiced singing as they walked toward Bremen.


      The Four Musicians Part IIthe four musicians

Night time came. The donkey, dog, cat, and rooster had been singing and walking all day. Just when  the four musicians found a nice tree to camp under, the rooster began to squawk.

"I think I see a light shining from inside a house!" he said. "It doesn't seem far away."

"They might have some food to share," said the dog. "A big, juicy bone sounds mighty good right about now."

"Mmmm. I think a big bowl of milk would be absolutely purr-fect," purred the cat.

"A plate of corn certainly would hit the spot," crowed the rooster.

The donkey thought it all sounded good, so the four set out for the house.

the four musicians

The four musicians walked up to the house. The donkey, being the tallest of the group, peered inside the window. After the donkey had looked through the glass for a few moments, the cat's curiosity got the better of him. "What do you see?" he asked as he tried to get a glimpse.

"Well, there are four men sitting at a table that is covered with food," the donkey said. "They must eat like kings every night. There are stacks of gold everywhere."

"What do we do now?" asked the rooster. "Do we just knock on the door and ask for food?"

The donkey shook his head. "Remember we are going to be musicians," he said. "We should practice singing for our supper."

The others thought this was a grand idea, so they very carefully planned their first concert. The four musicians decided to stand one on top of the other so everyone could be heard.

the four musicians

First the donkey took his place near the bottom of the window. Then the dog jumped on his back. The cat made his way up to the dog's back. Finally the rooster flew to the top.

Even though the four friends had practiced their singing all day, they were still a little bit nervous. This was their first concert, after all. They wished each other good luck, turned to face the window, and cleared their throats.

Finally their big moment had arrived. It was time to perform. The donkey gave the signal, and they began to sing.

Never has there been a louder or mightier group effort! The four friends tried to sing better than they ever had before.

What they didn't know is that it didn't sound like singing. It sounded like, "Hee-haw! Woof! Mee-ow! Cock-a-doodle-day!"

the four musicians

The Four Musicians Part III

The four friends also did not know that the men they were singing for inside the house were robbers. They were hiding out and counting gold they had stolen.

When they heard the loud noise of the musicians' singing, they looked out the window. They saw what looked like a four-headed beast. "Run! Run! Run!" one robber yelled. "Run before the four-headed beast gets us!"

The animals were confused. Why had the men run away? The donkey said, "I believe I know what is happening. No doubt our audience enjoyed our singing so much that they must be going to get more people to hear our concert."

"It may be some time before they return. I say we go inside and have some dinner as a reward for our splendid singing," the rooster said.

"Indeed!" agreed the donkey. "That is a grand idea!" The four musicians went into the house.the four musicians

The four musicians were so hungry that they ate every last bite! It didn't take long to decide that the life of a musician was going to suit them very well indeed. Soon after the meal, they were very sleepy.

Because they were already inside the house, they agreed it would be best to spend the night there. After all, they didn't want to miss the people who were going to come hear them perform.

There was plenty of room for everyone in the house. The donkey lay in the middle of the room.

the four musicians

The dog stretched out by the door. The cat curled up near the fireplace, and the rooster flew to a ceiling beam.

Soon their sleepy heads began nodding. It didn't take long for their tired eyes to close. They were all sound asleep when the door knob slowly began to turn. They were still asleep when someone tiptoed into the room.

One robber had come back to see if he could get at least some of the gold. It was quite dark, and he needed some light in order to find his way around. He thought he saw a glow from the coals in the fireplace.

But the glow wasn't from the coals. It was the cat's eyes. When he lit a match to start a fire, the cat the four musicians jumped up. The robber tripped over the dog. The dog bit his leg, causing the robber to stumble over the donkey.

The donkey kicked the robber. The noise woke the rooster, and he began crowing, "Cock-a-doodle-day! Leave without delay!"

The robber ran as fast as his legs would carry him. He told the others to stay away forever or the four-headed beast would get them.

The four musicians lived in the house for the rest of their days. They were quite happy giving free concerts and using the gold to buy food.

After one last encounter, the robber was scared away for good.

©2007 Publications International, Ltd.

Dr.Dodiddily and the Dee Dot's bring to you a traditional German Biscuit.

Here's a recipe for you special German Recipe Just For You.
Mummy can help you, and don't worry if you haven't got a special Springele Cutter.
I'm sure there are plenty of lovely ones in the baking draw.
The hardest thing for you is having to wait over night
for the mixture to be ready to go in the oven :) he he he

Image result for springerle cookies


1 lb. confectioners' sugar
4 eggs
4 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tbsp. melted butter
1/2 lemon
8 drops anise flavouring

Beat eggs and sugar 10 to 15 minutes in mixer.
Add melted butter, flour and flavoring.
Roll out 1/4 inch thick and cut out.
Let stand at least 6 hours or overnight.
Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes or until edges are brown.
Makes 5 to 6 dozen if small cookie cutter is used.

smily'sImage result for springerle cookies

                                                       A Brief Bit of Springerle History

Today I believe it is very rare indeed to find a craftsman that works on producing these fantastic works of true useable art. There may be one or two in the United States and only a few that I know of in Europe that carve Springerle molds. Please look for the links to those that I know.

The general consensus from what I have found is that Springerle were first made in German speaking Europe, mainly Southern Germany, the Alsace region of France and parts of Switzerland.

Springerle molds were made from clay, wood and metal. Many of the ancient molds that have survived can be found in European museums and in private collections. There are a few collections in America as well. On this site you will be able to view some of the molds from the Mildred Jenson collection.

The origin of the Springerle name seems to be attributed to the fact that many of the first molds were of horses and their riders. Also, that some Springerle cookies seems to "spring up", when baked. There are dimensions formed as the cookie bakes, with the top "springing up" from the base.

Biblical scenes were some of the earliest images portrayed in Springerle. Other scenes soon followed that reflected daily life, such as holidays, births, weddings, engagements, country living, gardening, etc.

Springerle impressions have been used for centuries as tellers of tales, educational media, betrothal tokens between lovers and also just the pure enjoyment of everyday living.


I have been lucky to live in Germany and Fly from both Munich and Frankfurt, most enjoyable but this was a very special treat I had whilst waiting for the plane.


You'd like to prepare typical German food? We show you how can make German Cheese noodles (Käsespätzle) yourself easily.These two recipes are very easy to make and the children will really enjoy eating the after they have cooled down.
