Arc and Antarc.
Central America
Eire - Ulster
Kids Fun Quiz.
Middle East
North Africa
North America
South Korea
South America
South Africa
The Spice Isles
World of Words






                       Dr. Dodiddily and the Dee Dot's

                                         Clipart      Present

Songs of the World



Seligor's Castle is a place for Children of all ages, from nothing to one hundred and nothing. Five Home-Pages to help you get around, and guest-books everywhere. There are pages for all the family. There are video's, Songs, Photo Albums, Stories, Tales, The Peppercorn Green Series as well as The Badgers of Fingles Wood and Shadwell the Hairy Goblin. So many poems, rhymes and great fun to be had by all.

Seligor's Castle, http://www.seligorscastle.zoomshare.com
Dr. Dodiddily and the Dee-Dot's,  http://www.thedragonlords.zoomshare.com
Diddilydeedot's Dreamland, http://www.diddilydeedotsdreamland.zoomshare.com
and Dodie's Dream World, http://www.dodiesdreamworld.zoomshare.com
all work on their websites and all need constant updates as things change and even vanish from time to time, especially the video links from You Tube who have a constant change of things..
They are all within the children range, though Dodie's does have a lot more classical stuff on it and the little ones might find it a bit boring.
I have just opened a couple of wee nursery pages though just in case you have one on your knee, :)

Each site has it's own home page and index, and I have been very careful not to repeat to many rhymes etc, though Toby and Tilly are in both the Castle and Dreamland and now Dr. Dodiddily and the dee dot's travels round the world, phew, I get terrible Jet Lag  :)  I have made up most of the play lists from YouTube and google. But please always check these as sometimes you get the odd person who thinks its smart to change the content. I have looked through almost 7,000 videos on you tube alone, so you can imagine how many there are.
Many of the stories, myths tales, rhymes come from books well past their hundredth birthday. I have always collected old books and up until recently sold many on Amazon. But now I use all my spare time on the websites and blogging sites.
Then there are songs to sing, many, many new rhymes to learn and pass on to the future generations.
I have been on line over eight years now and also have my Zoomshare, Wordpress, Delicious, Twitter and Facebook. Best wishes xxx Dr. Dodiddily and the Dee Dot's Please remember that the address web site name for the Dr. Dodiddily is:-  http://www.thedragonlords.zoomshare.com

Here is a little something to make you laugh as you sip on your cup of tea or sip your juice

the four musicians

Dr. Do Diddily and the Dee Dot bring to you a little quiz.And why don't you play some music from the playlist whilst your looking at them xxx

The answers are down the page a little xxx

Here are the 20 Easy Question's

Try not to look up the answers,
best to get Mum or someone to help,

1. What French National Heroine was burned at the stake in 1431?

2. Crossword Puzzle Clues are labeled "across" and "What" other orientation?

3. Who wrote the book called "The Defence Never Rests", F. Lee Bailey or F. Murray Abraham?

4. In Psychology, What "O" is the opposite of a Pessimist?

5. In Hospitals, The Calm Reassuring way in which doctors talk to their patients is known as their Bedside "What"?

6. What Cocktail made with Vodka and Tomato Juice is named for a British Queen?

7. What soap opera is known for the opening phrase "Like Sands Through The Hourglass"?

8. On What Game Show does a contestant break the chain if they answered their question incorrectly?

9. What Fruit is known in Italy as a "Pomodoro"?

10. What Kevin Bacon Movie opened as a Broadway Musical in 1998?

11. In What Broadway Musical did Ethel Merman play Annie Oakley?

12. Before Adopting The Euro, What was the basic unit of currency in France?

13. What Movie features Dan Aykroyd fighting a giant marshmallow man?

14. In Fashion Retail, A Store Employee who works with individual customers to help them choose clothes is known as a "What" Shopper?

15. In Religion, according to the authorized version of the Bible, Jacob made his son Joseph a coat of many "What"?

16. In Geography, The Four Countries of the UK are England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Which Other?

17. In British Customs, What "P" is a polite word that is widely used at the end of a sentence to accompany a request?

18. In Sport, What "J" follows High, Triple and Long to make the names of three athletic events?

19. According to a line from a song in a famous musical, Which Geographical Features are Alive With The Sound Of Music?

20. According to the Dictionary, The Bottom of the Sea is often referred to as Who's Locker?

The answers are lower down this page

books are for learning

Try to find the answers before clicking the box.

Get the rest of the family or your friends to play as well         

What do you do with dead elements?

Where do fish keep their money?

What do you get when you cross an automobile with a household animal?

Marys father has 4 children; three are named Nana, Nene, and Nini. So what is is the 4th childs name?

From what heavy seven-letter word can you take away two letters and have eight left?

What three numbers have the same answer when added together and multiplied together?

What bone has a sense of humor?

What did the leg bone say to the foot?

What did the rib cage say to the heart?

What force and strength I with a gentle touch can do,
and many in the streets would stand, were I not as a friend in hand.

What walks all day on its head?

What is round as a dishpan and no matter the size, all the water in the ocean can't fill it up?

I have many eyes but cannot see.
I have no mouth or nose, but always smell.
Do not eat my tree or you will be, a very rare FATALITY!

The more of them you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?

He who has it doesn't tell about it. He who takes it doesn't know about it. He who knows what it is doesn't want it. What is it?

It lives without a body, hears without ears, speaks without a mouth, and is born in air. What is it?

I fasten it and it walks. I unfasten it and it stops. What is it?

What goes around and around the wood but never goes into the wood?

I have a little house in which I live all alone. My house has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall. What am I?

Poke your fingers in my eyes and I will open wide my jaws. Linen cloth, quills, or paper, I am greedy and devour them all. Who am I?

It stands on one leg with its heart in its head. What is it?

What is is that you will break every time you name it?

What fastens two people yet touches only one?

I am the beginning of sorrow, and the end of sickness. You cannot express happiness without me, yet I am in the midst of crosses. I am always in risk, yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun, but I am never seen out of darkness.

What is put on a table and cut, but never eaten?

I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody. What am I?

I am around long before dawn.
But by lunch I am usually gone.
You can see me summer, fall, and spring.
I like to get on everything.
But when winter winds start to blow;
Burr, then it's time for me to go!
What am I?

What's full of holes but still holds water?

What has four fingers and one thumb, but is not alive?

How many letters are in the alphabet?

What grows in winter, dies in summer, and grows roots upward?

What flies without wings?

What is bigger when new and grows smaller with use?

You can draw me, fire me or fill me in. What am I?

Name three keys that unlock no doors.

What turns everything around, but does not move?

While walking across a bridge I saw a boat full of people. Yet on the boat there wasn't a single person. Why?

What has four legs, a head, and leaves?

What has wheels and flies, but is not an aircraft)?

  Did you get them all right before you looked at the answers.?


You will Need:

               An Envelope, crayons or felt tips, chart paper and glue.

little mouse


1. Observe the picture and draw a face on the envelope with the help of crayons and felt pens.
2. Draw and cut out a pair of ears on some chart paper, as seen in the picture.
3. Next, fix the ears to the top two corners of the envelope as indicated.
4. You can even draw and cut out a tail and paste it behind the face of the envelope.
5. Your colourful and creative envelope is now ready for use.

With thanks to Dimdima Magazine.  


                                                                       Dimdima, Register now

Just place link in search to suscribe to this wonderful magazine for children of all ages.

ClipartFun for all the children of the world with Dr. Dodiddily and the Dee Dot's

 A little bit about myself and my Sisters

Sylvia Toni Dorothy Kathleen

Kath, (far left) Sylvia, blonde (middle) Dorothy (me far right) Amy (Toni, in front)

     Dr. Dodiddily is one of four sisters. First there is my sister Sylvia, she is the eldest and the smallest. Then there is my sister Toni(Amy) she is two years younger than Sylvia, Toni lives in Kent. The next one born in 1944 was Dorothy, yes my lovelies this is my real name. I am three years younger than Toni. One more to come and that is my sister Kathleen, she is the baby of the family and she is  four years younger then myself. 

     We couldn never hand our cloths down to each other, we were all very different sizes, and anyone coming after me wouldn't have been able to wear anything I was such a tom-boy and thing were worn out long before Kath could have them.

     This is a very old picture of the four of us taken in Coed Poeth in North Wales, way back in 1952/3.                Gosh I am an Ancient Dragon, aren't I ! xxx.       

the four sisters

This is myself and my sisters in 1979 just 26 years later, we are with our mother who like myself was called Dorothy. We are from left to right  Sylvia, Toni, My Mum, Dorothy (me) Kathleen.

my boys with Diddily

Jayden, Noah Rhys, Brodie Leigh with Diddily in the background you can just see my grey hair.

Summer 2014 in the back garden at my home in Pontybodkin another 35 years later.

                                     whose looking at you kids



What has no beginning, end or middle?

What is in the middle of nowhere?

What has a foot on each side and one in the middle?

What happened in the middle of the 20th Century that will not happen again for 4,000 years?

What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks?

What grows up while growing down?

What goes up and down without moving?

What gets whiter the dirtier it gets?

What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take in when you don't want to use it?

What do you serve that you cannot eat?

What do the numbers 11, 69, and 88 all have in common?

What can you catch but not throw?

What can pass before the sun without making a shadow?

What can go up a chimney down, but can't go down a chimney up?

What can burn the eyes, sting the mouth, yet be eaten?

What can be swallowed, but can also swallow you?

What book was once owned by only the wealthy, but now nearly everyone can have it? You can't buy it in a bookstore or take it from a library?

The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?

The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?

The capital of Turkey is a long word. Can you spell it?

Take off my skin and I won't cry, but you will, what am I?

Is an old hundred dollar bill better than a new one?

                             hope you did well


               From Belgium to Rome to South Korea, give me time we'll get there eventually.              

         Hear is a little something to ponder over whilst having you tea break.
                                                  A Different Seven Wonders


A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the
present   "Seven Wonders of the World."
Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:

1. Egypt’s Great Pyramids - 2. Taj Mahal - 3. Grand Canyon - 4. Panama Canal , 

5. Empire State Building - 6. St. Peter’s Basilica -  7. China’s Great Wall

While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet. So she  asked the girl if she was having trouble with her  list.

The girl replied, "Yes, a little.  I couldn’t quite make up my mind because  there were so many."

The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help. "The girl hesitated, then read,

"I think The ‘Seven  Wonders of the World’   are:

the shores of Llyn Brenig


The beautiful Llyn Brenig on a Summers Day in Denbighshire.

North Wales 2014


      2. TO HEAR

Sweet Music as you while the hours away



The touch of a hand touching your hand,

The sweet touch of a kiss on your forehead,

To touch the fur of your favourite pet.

What more would you want?

Denbigh Moors



                        4. TO TASTE

Yummy food in a picnic on the Denbigh Moors,

whilst out picking bilberries with your friends. xxx



Someone whom you love very much sitting close to you,

feeling their friendship pass from the warmth their closeness gives you



Be it laughing with you , or maybe just laughing when your happy  and you have your friends around you to share the sound of Laughter.



    to love rose line  

To love someone is to experience every other emotion outside of love and still come back to love.

To love someone is to feel hurt and pain and still be able to overcome it and to forget about it.
To love someone is to realise that everyone is not perfect.
It is being able to see their bad parts, but put emphasis on the parts you love, and gladly accept them for the individual they are.
To love someone is to lay a strong base for your feelings, but leave room for some movement, because to feel exactly the same way all the time would leave no room for growth, experience, and learning.
To love someone is to be strong at accepting new ideas and facts.
It is knowing that a person will not stay the same, but also that change happens gradually.
To love someone is to give until your heart aches.
The greatest gifts shared between two people are trust and understanding, which come from love.
Love is giving one hundred per cent of yourself and only wanting something as simple as a smile in return.
To love someone is to be able to see not only with your eyes but, with your heart.
It is too develop insight into your feelings and, the feelings of the one you love.
To love someone is to give yourself totally, saying “Here I am, and all that I am loves you very much”.
To love someone is to wait, hoping that one day you will be loved as much in return.

to love rose line

The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.  These things we overlook are so simple and ordinary and that  we take them for granted, these are truly wondrous!  

A gentle reminder — that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.


AND THERE IS STILL MORE   hey Micky can you answer all these

What happens when you throw a white rock into the Red Sea?
(Speaking of throwing things, take a minute now to learn more about how to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) please visit 

What do you have when twenty rabbits step backwards?

What am I? I am the only thing that always tells the truth. I show off everything that I see. I come in all shapes and sizes. So tell me what I must be!

What happens twice in a week, and once in a year, but never in a day?

Where do you find roads without vehicles, forests without trees, and cities without houses?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

What are two things you cannot eat for supper?

What is half of 2+2?

How many seconds are there in a year?

When asked what he does all day, a man answered that he sits and makes faces. What does he really mean?

What time is it when 12 cats chase a mouse?

What has a tongue, cannot walk, but gets around a lot?

What is black and white and read all over?

A man without eyes saw plums on a tree;
He neither took plums, nor left plums,
Now how can that be?

Twelve pears hanging high, twelve men passing by.
Each took a pear and left eleven hanging there.
How can this be?

There's a one story house that's all blue inside. The floor was blue, the lamps were blue,the walls were blue,everything was blue. So what color were the interior stairs?

What word looks the same upside down and backwards?

He has dust in his eye and a fan for a wing,
a leg akimbo on which he can sing,
and dye in his mouth instead of a sting
what is he?
[Note: This is actually a Robert Frost poem entitled "One Guess"]

Have you heard the saying what goes up must come down? Well what goes up and never goes down?

What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?
Songs from Around the World.

Jong-ro Seoul.

South Korea and K.POP

The Music above is great listening whilst filling in the answers :)


Why can't a man living in Winston Salem, NC, be buried west of the Mississippi?

Who can shave 25 times a day and still have a beard?

Which moves faster: heat or cold?

When young, I am sweet in the sun.
When middle-aged, I make you gay.
When old, I am valued more than ever.
What am I?

What is the greatest worldwide use of cowhide?

What's the difference between here and there?

What's colorless and weightless, but if you put it into a barrel, the barrel would become lighter?

What's better than the best thing, and worst than the worst thing?

What won't break if you throw it off the highest building in the world, but will break if you place it in the ocean?

What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

What runs but cannot walk?

What one word has the most letters in it?

What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in an hour?

What kind of rocks are on the bottom of the Mississippi River?

What kind of room has no windows or doors?

What kind of nut has no shell?

What kind of coat can be put on only when wet?

What is the moon worth?

What is the longest word in the English language?

What is the center of gravity?

What has to be broken before it can be used?




The message was: I will rob the Bank of England tonight. Bully Bill.

Each letter in the code represents the letter of the alphabet before it... I Will  - J  XJMM


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

1.   Joan of Arc.                             2.   Down.                                     3.   Bailey,                  
4.   Optimism.                               5.    Manner.                                6.   Bloody Mary,     
7.   Days of Our Lives.                8.   The Weakest Link,            9.   Tomato.    
10.   Footloose.                            11.   Annie Get Your gun.         12.   Franc.   13.   Ghostbusters.                     14.    Personal.                            15.   Colours.   
16.   Wales.                                     17.   Please.                                 18.  Jump.    
19.   Hills.                                       20.   Davy Jones.


music, music, music,            music, music, music,       music, music, music,

If an electric train is going east at 60 miles an hour and there is a strong westerly wind, which way does the smoke from the train drift.

What runs around a house but doesn't move?

What kind of fish chases a mouse?

What is a cat on Ice?

Do you know why orange juice is so smart?

This thing devours all,
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers,
Gnaws iron, bites steel,
Grinds hard stones to meal, Slays kings, ruins towns,
And beats high mountains down.
(by J. R. R. Tolkein)

Two mothers and two daughters go to a pet store and buy three cats. Each female gets her own cat. How is this possible?

What can you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?

If one child has 6 2/3 sand piles and another has 3 1/3, and you combine them, how many sand piles do you have?

While on Safari in the wild jungles of Africa, Professor Claudia woke one morning and felt something in the pocket of her pajamas. It had a head and a tail, but no legs. When Claudia got up she could feel it move inside of her pocket. However, Claudia showed little concern and went about her morning activities. Why wasn't she concerned?

I can sizzle like bacon,
I am made with an egg,
I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg,
I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole,
I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole,
What am I?

You are in a room with 3 monkeys. One has a banana, one has a stick, one has nothing. Which primate in the room is the smartest?

What is gray,has a tail, and a trunk?

A horse is tied to a 20 foot long rope. The horse wants to get some water that is 30 feet away. The horse gets the water easily. How is this?

Here on earth it is always true,
that a day follows a day.
But there is a place where yesterday
always follows today!
What am I ?

A boy goes and buys a fishing pole that is 6' 3" long. As he goes to get on the bus, the bus driver tells him that he can't take anything on the bus longer than 6'. The boy goes back to town, buys one more thing, and the bus driver allows him on the bus. What did he buy, and what did he do with it?

And visit our Swim with the Goldfish activity at!

What weighs more -- a ton of feathers or a ton of gold?

Scientists have proven that cats have more hair on one side then their other side. Some people believe that this is because when cats lay on their side they need insulation from the cold on the floor or ground. Which side of a cat has more hair?

A railroad crossing, look for the cars.
Can you spell all that without any R's?

Your mother's brother's only brother-in-law is asleep on your couch. Who is asleep on your couch?

Why is it so easy to weigh fish?

                                                                                                        music, music, music,      music, music, music,

Watch some SUPER JUNIOR whilst you're waiting.

More little questions with answers just for you xxx

In what year did Christmas Day and New Year's Day fall in the same year?

In Oklahoma, you cannot take a picture of a man with a sign. Why not?

If you were to take two apples from three apples, how many would you have?

If you were standing directly on Antarctica's South Pole facing north, which direction would you travel if you took one step backward?

If you were locked in a concrete room with no windows or doors, and all you have with you is a bed and a calendar, how would you eat and drink?

If you have it, you want to share it, but if you share it, you don't have it. What is it?

If two's company, and three's a crowd, what are four and five?

If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch?

I know a word of letters three. Add two and fewer there will be. What is the word?

How much dirt is in a hole 4 feet deep and 2 feet wide?

How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?

How many bricks does it take to complete a building made of brick?

Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I?

Even if they are starving, natives living in the Arctic will never eat a penguin's egg. Why not?

Clara Clatter was born on December 27th, yet her birthday is always in the summer. How is this possible?

A skin have I, more eyes than one. I can be very nice when I am done. What am I?

What is the tallest building in town?

You are pushing your car. You stop at a hotel. At that precise moment you realize that you are bankrupt. What is actually going on?

As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives, the seven wives had seven sacks, the seven sacks had seven cats, the seven cats had seven kittens; kittens, cats, sacks and wives, how many were going to St. Ives?

What doesn't get any wetter, no matter how much rain falls on it?

The one who made it, didn't want it.
The one who bought it, didn't need it.
The one who used it, never saw it. What is it?
